Martin Naumann
Martin is an open source contributer and developer at Archilogic in Zurich. He’s working on both front- and backend and wants to share knowledge with the community at large to foster software engineering cultures all over the world.
We previously had a remote Docker talk from Martin. This time, Martin will be in Montreal to give us a talk on how he started loving Scala and how, as a Java Developer, he moved from Java to Scala.
Scala is a flexible, multi-paradigm language combining speed, convenience and functional patterns all on top of the powerful JVM. While that all is tempting, there’s a lot more that it has to offer - Pattern Matching, Structural typing and much, much more.
But, you may ask, how do I get there? This talk shows how Java developers can migrate their projects step by step into a Scala project.
Food & Drinks
- Drinks offered by Oracle, as usual
- And we’ll have an after at a pub for those wanting to continue the evening!