En cette période de confinement, nous vous proposons notre premier Montréal JUG 100% en ligne. Il est aussi plus tôt que d’habitude, 17h.
Quitte à ce que ce soit un évènement spécial, nous avons invité un présentateur spécial. Il est humble dans sa bio mais il est le créateur de Maven ainsi que l’inspiration de nombreux projets open source importants. Il a écrit ce qui est resté pour longtemps mon livre préféré sur les tests: JUnit in action (utilisant EasyMock)
Nous l’avons invité aujourd’hui, justement pour parler tests.
Automatic Test Amplification for Java par Vincent Massol
We’re all used to writing automated tests in Java projects. It’s now time to move up the chain and learn how to implement more complex types of testing.
This talk will demonstrate advanced testing practices used by the XWiki open source project, and using Java, Maven, Docker and Jenkins and more. Most of the tests, practices and tools that will be covered are the fruits of the STAMP European Research Project, conducted from 2016 to 2019.
We will talk about:
- Testing for coverage with Jacoco and defining a viable strategy for slowing improving the situation.
- Testing the quality of your tests with Descartes Mutation testing
- Automatically enriching your test suite with DSpot
- Testing various configurations with Docker, TestContainers and Jenkins
- Simplifying crash reproduction by automatically generating tests from a stacktrace with Botsing
Présenté par Vincent Massol
Vincent is the CTO of XWiki SAS and an active committer of the XWiki open source project. Before being paid to work on open source he spent over 10 years working nights and week ends having fun on various open source projects (committer on Apache Maven, creator of Apache Cactus and Codehaus Cargo to name a few).
Vincent also co-authored 3 books: JUnit in Action , Maven: A Developer’s Notebook and Better Builds with Maven. He’s a regular speaker at IT and Java conferences and also a member of LesCastCodeurs podcast, a French podcast focusing on news in the Java world at large.
Vincent lives in the countryside in France, enjoying life with his 3 boys Pierre-Olivier, Jean and Paul. When not watching his lawnmower robot do its work, he likes playing doing sport (Tennis, Ping Pong, Running, Gym, Yoga, …).