Infrastructure backend pour les applications mobiles

Michael Keith

Mike Keith has been an object-oriented programming, enterprise, distributed systems, and persistence expert for more than 20 years. He has been an active member of the enterprise Java (Java EE) platform expert group as well as many of the sub-specifications that make up the enterprise Java portfolio. Keith has represented Oracle on numerous other global committees and expert groups. He is an author, JavaOne Rock Star, and regular speaker at conferences and events around the world. Most recently, Keith has been working on public cloud services and creating a mobile PaaS


Le développement d’application web ne va pas disparaitre demain, mais clairement la prochaine génération de développement d’application va se concentrer sur les appareils mobiles et le cloud. Est-ce que les compétences de développement du côté serveur seront toujours requises pour ce type d’architecture? Mike Keith d’Oracle va tenter de répondre à cette question. Il va démontrer comment les plates-formes mobiles modernes permettent l’intégration aux ressources TI de l’entreprise grâce à une infrastructure de cloud évolutive.


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