Nous vous proposons pour notre prochain meetup soirée “Elastic Search et Kubernetes Service Mesh” avec deux speakers venus d’Europe.
For the next meeting, we have a special “Elastic Search and Kubernetes Service Mesh” evening with two speakers coming from Europe.
1. Cloud Native, Service-Meshed Java Enterprise With Istio (in English / en Anglais)
This sessions shows how to implement service-meshed applications using Java EE 8 and MicroProfile. We will develop a mesh of microservices, managed by Kubernetes and Istio. We’ll see why especially the Java Enterprise approach fits the concepts behind container orchestration and service meshes well. The session also includes how to integrate the required cross-cutting concerns, such as monitoring, tracing, or resiliency into our applications, where developers have to actively integrate technology themselves and where the platform support us. Especially the cooperation between Java EE and MicroProfile provides a potent technology. All of the time will be spent live-coding while explaining the concepts and solutions.
Présenté par / Presented by: Sebastian Daschner
Sebastian Daschner is a Lead Java Developer Advocate for IBM. His role is to share knowledge and educate developers about Java, enterprise software, and IT in general. He enjoys speaking on conferences, writing articles and blog posts, producing videos, newsletters, and other content. He believes that teaching others not only greatly improves their situation but also educates yourself. His goal is to focus on how concepts work and why specific solutions are needed, and only then how they are implemented.
2. Recherche avancée pour votre application “legacy” (en Français / in French)
Comment mixer SQL et NoSQL sans faire la révolution ?
Cette “live coding” conférence vous montrera comment ajouter Elasticsearch à votre application existante sans changer vos habitudes. Vous aurez des fonctions de recherche avancées sans avoir à écrire du SQL complexe !
David partira d’une application Spring Boot/Postgresql/MySQL et ajoutera Elasticsearch en live depuis la scène !
Présenté par / Presented by: David Pilato
David Pilato est développeur et évangéliste chez, après avoir passé les deux années précédentes à promouvoir le projet open-source Elasticsearch. Il en anime la communauté française et organise des BBLs au sein des entreprises.